Saturday, May 19, 2012

Track - You decide?

   Hey guys!

So on Friday, I had a Track Meet against a very, very faast towwn!!! Well anyway, as you know I go in first heat because I am cool like that ( just kidding. it's because Im fast! ) and I was versing these girls a grade or two ahead of me. When the gun shot * cue gun shooting sound * I ran like a gazelle that got slapped on the butt. ( lol ) So for the first like 2 seconds I was running, I was in first. Then BAAAAAAM  this older girl is in front of me. There isn't that big of a gap in between us but she is clearly in front of me. To just tell you what I ended up getting I got....: SECOND PLACE! Yay mee! I wish I did better but hey, it's a sport. My time was 9.4 ( bad, yes I know ) and the first place time was 9 flat. So only a .4 difference.

Just thought I should let you know how my meet was.


I am in the County Track meet for the 60 m. So basically what that is is all the school in my county pick their fastest boys and girls for each event. ( they usually only pick seventh and eighth graders ) I got chosen AGAAINN like last year for 60m. I am hoping to go to the county meet for all they years I am in middle school. So yay for me!!! Wish me luck for that and my future track meets! HOORAAY!

So anyway, do you think I did good? Yes or no?

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